YouTube is experimenting with red, blue, and green video feeds

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YouTube is testing a caller characteristic that allows users to select videos connected their location provender by color, creating a much visually cohesive and pleasing acquisition erstwhile browsing. 9to5Google and users connected Lemmy person reported seeing a caller punctual model look connected nan YouTube mobile app, asking users if they’re “craving thing new,” pinch options to create a video provender by red, blue, aliases greenish hues.

This is an experimental characteristic and hasn’t been rolled retired widely. YouTube spokesperson Allison Toh confirmed to The Verge that it’s presently disposable to “select users connected Android and iOS mobile devices.” The institution did not explicate why it was processing specified a feature, however, aliases supply a timeline for erstwhile (or if) it will beryllium wide available.

A screengrab taken from nan YouTube mobile app displaying nan caller colour provender options.

If nan icons YouTube provided are immoderate indication, there’s immoderate wriggle room regarding what will characteristic nether each colour filter.

Image: YouTube / 9to5Google

Selecting a colour select doesn’t switch your existing homepage feed. Instead, nan color-coordinated results look arsenic a caller provender action located astatine nan apical of nan YouTube app. Exactly how these videos are being filtered isn’t wholly clear. It appears to beryllium based connected nan astir salient colors featured successful thumbnails, but whitethorn perchance beryllium analyzing nan afloat video to observe if that colour dominates throughout. Regardless, nan characteristic appears to beryllium wholly an artistic prime arsenic there’s thing to different link nan filtered results by taxable aliases content.

A screengrab taken from YouTubes mobile app displaying nan caller color-coordinated homepage filter.

An illustration of what you’d spot nether nan reddish filter. There’s seemingly nary themes attached to these filters speech from nan main colour featured connected nan videos.

Image: YouTube / 9to5Google

While it whitethorn beryllium an different measurement to benignant videos, colour harmony is simply a trading strategy that tin beryllium seen crossed a multitude of industries. Businesses connected Instagram, peculiarly those wrong manner and beauty, often coordinate their posts to guarantee their main feeds smoothly travel from 1 colour taxable to nan next. Cosmetics institution ColourPop is simply a bully illustration of this. Users connected Lemmy besides pointed retired that this could beryllium a information postulation strategy to show really often YouTube users prosecute pinch definite colors. Either way, it’s a neat action for folks who for illustration to customize their apps wholly connected aesthetics and vibes.

Update, February 6th, 8:40AM ET: Removed declare citing that up to 90 percent of merchandise assessments are made connected colour arsenic nan root could not beryllium verified.

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