'Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft' trailer is a battle of personal and literal demons

Trending 5 months ago

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Following nan teaser, Netflix's action-packed trailer for animated bid Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft is present — and our leader has some individual and literal demons to conquer.

The bid is group aft nan events of the Tomb Raider "Survivor" trilogy of games which vanished pinch Shadow of nan Tomb Raider. In nan trailer, we spot Lara (voiced by Hayley Atwell) surrounded by enemies and friends and connected various quests done nan ancient chambers she truthful often frequents, dual pistols out.

How to watch: Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft arrives Oct. 10 connected Netflix.

A achromatic and achromatic image of a personification pinch a agelong braid and heavy framed glasses.

Shannon Connellan is Mashable's UK Editor based successful London, formerly Mashable's Australia Editor, but emotionally, she lives successful nan Creel House. A Tomatometer-approved critic, Shannon writes astir everything (but not anything) crossed entertainment, tech, societal good, science, and culture.

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