This $150 iRobot vacuums your floors when you’re not home

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Deal pricing and readiness taxable to alteration aft clip of publication.

TL;DR: As of January 29, get this iRobot Roomba 675 Wi-Fi Robot Vacuum (Open Box) for conscionable $149.99 — a savings of 16%.

With nan usage of AI connected nan rise, it mightiness beryllium clip to enlist it for different assemblage of work: family chores. If you want a robot to expanse your hardwood floors and vacuum your carpets, you should get an iRobot Roomba. While these tin beryllium spendy, this open-box exemplary is only $149.99 (reg. $179.99).

AI tin cleanable your location now

Just move nan robot connected and it’ll cleanable your location each connected its own. The Roomba 675 uses a three-stage strategy and multi-surface brushes to lift dirt, dust, and pet hairsbreadth from each rooms of your house — hardwood room floors, carpeted surviving and bedrooms, and tiled bathrooms. It besides has an edge-sweeping brushwood to get into nooks and crannies.

Control your Roomba from anyplace pinch nan iRobot HOME iOS aliases Android app. You could group civilization schedules to person it tally while you’re moving aliases moving errands, prime an area of attraction if there’s a peculiarly messy room, way its progress, aliases power it pinch sound commands done Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

If you’re worried astir your Roomba doing thing crazy erstwhile you’re not astir — like falling down nan stairs aliases sucking up a rug — you tin remainder assured pinch intelligent entity sensors and cliff discovery that thief forestall these issues. 

Save $30 pinch this open-box model

These devices were purchased and returned (literally meaning their container has been opened). While it’s not brand-new and mightiness person immoderate cosmetic imperfections, your Roomba is reset to mill settings and includes each of its original accessories.

Mashable Deals

Enlist this open-box iRobot Roomba 675 to support your location tidy astatine conscionable $149.99 (reg. $179.99).

StackSocial prices taxable to change.

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