The most exciting (and underwhelming) reveals from the PlayStation State of Play stream

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January 2024's State of Play watercourse was, successful nan aggregate, wholly fine. There were respective cool-looking games, astir of which are coming retired successful 2024. Some of them are retired successful nan adjacent fewer months, which is great. However, almost nary of it was really new. Just astir everything that was shown had been antecedently announced.

Still, that doesn't mean location weren't moments of genuine excitement (and side-eyeing skepticism) to beryllium found.

Exciting: Dave nan Diver x Godzilla

Dave nan Diver is simply a quirky small indie scuba simulator that stole hearts backmost successful 2023, chiefly connected PC. As portion of nan State of Play stream, Sony announced that nan crippled is coming to PS5 successful April.

That's each good and good, but nan genuinely breathtaking portion of nan announcement was nan uncover that Godzilla DLC is coming successful May. It's free and it features Godzilla. That's each we request to know.

Exciting: Sonic X Shadow Generations

2011's Sonic Generations is 1 of nan startlingly fewer 3D Sonic games that are nosy to play. It's a charming escapade afloat of throwbacks to Sonic games bully and bad, not to mention immoderate kick-ass euphony to spell on pinch it.

Sonic X Shadow Generations looks to mostly beryllium a remaster of that game, but pinch a twist: There's a caller run starring Shadow nan Hedgehog bundled successful this caller package. This is undoubtedly meant to piggyback disconnected Shadow's quality successful nan upcoming 3rd Sonic nan Hedgehog movie, but hey, gamers of a definite property who grew up connected Sonic Adventure 2 will admit this.

Exciting: Death Stranding 2: On nan Beach

I don't moreover cognize wherever to statesman pinch this one.

2019's Death Stranding was, in our words, a masterpiece. It's a uniquely lonely crippled astir helping others and being helped, pinch nan generous helping of nan benignant of weirdness creator Hideo Kojima usually injects into his games. The sequel sewage an extended look astatine nan State of Play, and each you request to cognize is that it features a man successful Joker constitution shooting energy retired of a guitar astatine cyber samurai dudes.

Just watch nan trailer.

Exciting: Mystery Kojima game

Sony capped disconnected nan watercourse pinch a "surprise" quality by Kojima himself. However, he wasn't conscionable location to talk Death Stranding. Instead, he announced that he is moving connected an wholly original "espionage action" crippled for PlayStation. It didn't get a title aliases a trailer. Heck, it didn't get immoderate different existent accusation astatine all.

But that doesn't matter. "Espionage action" is famously portion of nan tagline for nan original Metal Gear Solid. You tin publication this arsenic Kojima making a caller Metal Gear successful spirit, if not successful name. That's astir arsenic breathtaking arsenic it gets.

Underwhelming: Silent Hill 2 remake

Last and, unfortunately, slightest is nan upcoming remake of Silent Hill 2. The seminal 2001 scary classical is wide considered 1 of nan champion video games ever made, and patient Konami's mismanagement of nan bid successful nan past 15 years aliases truthful has near a batch of fans wanting.

A remake of SH2 should beryllium thrilling to fans, but nan gameplay trailer shown during State of Play whitethorn person raised much questions than answers. Put simply, nan trailer markets nan crippled for illustration it's an action-packed third-person shooter. If you haven't played nan original Silent Hill 2, it's...not that. It's a creepy, psychological exploration of intelligence unwellness and abuse.

Maybe nan remake has that worldly too. But we didn't spot it successful this trailer, truthful each we tin do is judge what we've been shown.

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