Mercedes-Benz 9G Transmission Problems (Don’t Worry, it’s Great!)

Trending 3 months ago

As a semipermanent Mercedes-Benz 7G transmission driver, I tin commencement disconnected this article by saying that nary different classical hydraulic automatic transmission (not moreover nan ZF 8HP) comes adjacent to nan smoothness that I knowledgeable connected galore trial drives of nan 9G transmission by Mercedes.

However, nan intent of this article is not to singing praise to nan astonishing Mercedes-Benz 9G transmission. We’re present to talk astir its problems!

If you’re buying a Mercedes pinch nan 9G transmission, enactment pinch us, this article tin prevention you immoderate precious clip and nerves!

First, we are going to screen nan basal specs of nan 9G transmission and spot what this transmission is packing, past we are going to screen nan Mercedes 9G transmission problems and spot what models person this transmission. So, without further ado, let’s dive into nan article.

Basic Specs Of The Mercedes 9G Transmission

The Mercedes 9G is simply a revolutionary torque converter automatic transmission designed to maximize substance ratio successful Mercedes models by utilizing much gears compared to its predecessors. 

It followed nan celebrated 7G transmission which was highly praised for its capacity (and definite problems, spot maine I know, I ain 1 successful my W211 E-Class). But nan 9G is moreover amended since it has much gears and further refinements.

As nan sanction suggests, nan 9G features 9 gears, which let for amended substance system and immoderate incredibly soft cogwheel shifts. The substance savings pinch this transmission compared to different Mercedes transmissions are monolithic since you person 9 gears.

Not to mention that this transmission has a caller gearing conception that implements each these 9 gears pinch a minimal number of planetary cogwheel sets and displacement elements.

This makes nan 9G transmission a batch simpler compared to different transmissions. On apical of that, nan 9G is very lightweight compared to older transmissions. It only weighs 95 kilograms.

It’s besides capable to tackle a monolithic magnitude of torque. More specifically, nan 9G tin grip 1,000 N-m aliases 738 lb-ft of torque.

With this transmission, you are capable to prime 3 different displacement modes. These see nan ECO mode if you want to prevention substance & prevention nan environment. Eco mode is followed by nan SPORT mode, which allows you to acquisition this transmission successful each its glory. The past mode is MANUAL, which gives you nan expertise to manually prime gears pinch nan paddle shifters. You tin activate each these modes pinch a property of a fastener connected nan halfway console.

Overall, nan 9G transmission by Mercedes is simply a immense leap guardant compared to older designs by Benz (looking astatine you 7G).

And past point to statement is that Mercedes collaborated pinch Jatco Ltd and Jatco is producing its ain 9G Tronic transmissions, which are installed successful Nissan models for illustration nan Titan, Nissan Frontier, and Nissan Z. 

Also, nan 9G tin beryllium recovered successful Aston Martin models. But much connected nan applications of this transmission later, erstwhile we get done each of its problems.

Common Mercedes 9G Transmission Problems

Common problems pinch nan Mercedes 9G transmission include:

  • Rough Shifting
  • Slow Response In Cold Temperatures
  • Solenoid Failure
  • Valve Body Failure
  • Transmission Control Module Failure

Now let’s further elaborate connected nan astir communal Mercedes 9G transmission problems. Why do we deliberation that this is necessary?

This is really important because you will beryllium capable to differentiate a problematic transmission from a bully one. So, let’s further elaborate connected these issues successful detail.

Rough Shifting

One of nan astir communal issues reported pinch nan 9G Tronic is nan occurrence of rough cogwheel shifting.

This unsmooth shifting occurs particularly successful bumper-to-bumper traffic. In different words, erstwhile you are astatine a extremity light, and you hold and slow accelerate.

The rumor happens betwixt neutral and cogwheel 1 to cogwheel two. Meaning that nan first 2 gears are astir affected by this problem.

There was a work bulletin issued by nan NHTSA for this peculiar problem, since a batch of group person complained astir this issue.

The bulletin says that nan transmission package has to beryllium updated on pinch immoderate different things (sensors etc.) that person to beryllium decently checked and

And reportedly, this is simply a package bug that is creating these issues. This is why we urge that you don’t panic and return your car to nan nearest dealership to get it inspected and spot if this is so a package problem aliases if location is thing incorrect pinch nan transmission itself.

Slow Response In Cold Temperatures

Another problem that group complained of erstwhile it comes to nan 9G automatic is the slow consequence successful acold weather. The 9G is known not to request an further heating constituent to lukewarm nan cold transmission lipid erstwhile cold-starting successful freezing conditions.

Still, this transmission is not peculiarly happy successful nan acold and tin sometimes bog down. This is wholly normal because each transmission has problems moving successful freezing conditions.

It is only aft it decently warms up that nan transmission will commencement to present good, snappy shifts.

This is why you should not beryllium very concerned pinch your transmission’s capacity successful acold upwind because it will yet lukewarm up and activity normally.

But if nan transmission does not return to normal erstwhile it warms up, you person a problem connected your hands. In this situation, we counsel that you sojourn your nearest dealership to get this problem addressed.

Sometimes it is an soul problem that often tin exacerbate these issues pinch mediocre capacity successful acold weather.

Solenoid Failure

Solenoid failures are besides communal pinch this transmission. So, what is simply a solenoid, and what does this constituent do?

Well, a solenoid is simply a elemental electrical switch. It gets nan sanction solenoid because it has an electrical solenoid wrong that activates and deactivates whenever it gets a signal.

Inside these automatic transmissions, location are a number of these solenoids attached to nan valve assemblage itself.

Each solenoid does a different task. They are controlled by nan transmission power module and whenever you request a displacement up aliases down a different solenoid is turned connected aliases off, which controls nan travel of nan transmission fluid to nan places wherever it’s needed to lubricate nan moving soul components of nan engine.

Everything happens successful fractions of a 2nd and aft a batch of miles, these solenoids tin commencement to malfunction aliases wholly neglect astatine immoderate point.

In these situations, you mightiness find problem shifting, you tin besides get a cheque motor ray and moreover limp mode.

The important point is to sojourn your nearest Mercedes-Benz shop to get this constituent replaced because you cannot thrust for illustration this pinch specified problems.

Valve Body Failure

Valve assemblage failures are besides communal connected these transmissions. So, what is simply a valve assemblage and what does it do?

The valve assemblage is simply a maze-like building that is mounted connected nan bottommost of nan transmission. This valve assemblage is fundamentally doing each nan difficult activity pinch nan solenoids successful bid for your transmission to displacement properly. Consider for illustration nan encephalon of nan transmission.

Sometimes these components tin neglect internally, and you person thing other to do than switch them. A caller portion is overmuch cheaper than repairing nan aged one.

A caller valve assemblage will cost you astir $1,050, aliases you tin find a utilized 1 connected eBay aliases a akin website for half nan price.

Common symptoms associated pinch this problem are transmission slips, problem shifting successful a little gear, RPM increases erstwhile up shifting, slow down shifting, up shifting and down shifting connected its own.

There will besides beryllium nan cheque motor ray and problem codes concerning this problem.

Transmission Control Module Failure

The past problem connected our database is nan nonaccomplishment of nan power module. And judge it aliases not, this portion tin besides neglect and origin problems pinch your 9G transmission.

For those who don’t know, this is nan machine that regulates nan transmission. This portion is very prone to nonaccomplishment and causing problems.

A replacement of this portion is location astir $1,500 only for nan part, without nan labor. Common symptoms associated pinch this portion see unusual DTC codes and problems shifting.

Which Models Have The Mercedes 9G Transmission?

Mercedes Models

  • 2019 – 2021 Mercedes-Benz W205 C-Class
  • 2022 – Present Mercedes-Benz W205 C-Class
  • 2014 – 2016 Mercedes-Benz W212 E-Class
  • 2016 – Present Mercedes-Benz W213 E-Class
  • 2017 – 2021 Mercedes-Benz W222 S-Class
  • 2021 – Present Mercedes-Benz W223 S-Class
  • 2019 – Present Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class
  • 2015 – 2022 Mercedes-Benz X253 GLC-Class
  • 2022 – Present Mercedes-Benz X254 GLC-Class
  • 2016 – 2019 Mercedes-Benz W166 GLE-Class
  • 2020 – Present Mercedes-Benz W167 GLE-Class
  • 2017 – 2019 Mercedes-Benz X166 GLS-Class
  • 2020 – Present Mercedes-Benz X167 GLS-Class
  • 2015 – 2020 Mercedes-Benz R172 SLC-Class
  • 2022 – Present Mercedes-Benz R232 AMG SL-Class

Nissan Models

  • 2020 – Present Nissan Titan
  • 2020 – Present Nissan Frontier
  • 2020 – Present Nissan Z

Aston Martin Models

  • 2021 – Present Aston Martin DBX
  • 2022 – Present Aston Martin DBX 707


What Are The Common Mercedes 9G Transmission Problems?

Common problems pinch this transmission see unsmooth shifting betwixt first and second, problems pinch solenoids, defective valve bodies, and bad TCM units. But wide these issues are beautiful isolated. Meaning that they don’t impact each transmissions.

Is nan Mercedes-Benz 9G Tronic a Good Transmission?

Yes, Mercedes-Benz 9G transmission is without a uncertainty a good, reliable transmission. Our hands-on acquisition pinch this transmission and our thorough net investigation revealed this is simply a awesome transmission.

Is The Mercedes 9G Automatic Transmission Reliable?

The Mercedes 9G Tronic transmission is simply a beautiful reliable option. Much much reliable than nan 7G that was antecedently used. And astir importantly this transmission is overmuch much businesslike and will prevention you a ton of money connected fuel.

About The Author

Jure Hodnik

Hey, I’m Jure Hodnik, an automotive researcher
and writer. I person influenced 20+ automotive companies pinch my master contented successful nan past, but my passion lies successful nan captivating narration betwixt cars and people, a taxable I explored successful his automotive-focused master’s investigation paper. Today, I transmission and stock my automotive expertise done Lifeonfour, a level I founded backmost successful 2019.

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