LinkedIn is testing a TikTok-like video feed

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Another day, different level trying to beryllium for illustration TikTok.

The LinkedIn app and logo is seen connected a integer device.

Credit: Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images.

LinkedIn is testing a short-form video feed, pursuing successful nan footsteps of truthful galore different apps that are trying to beryllium for illustration TikTok.

TikTok, location to complete a cardinal users, has sent societal media apps scrambling for years. Instagram, YouTube, and even Netflix person tried to mimic TikTok's winning formula: nan app's vertical video provender and nan measurement it happens to spark trends and conversations connected nan daily.

LinkedIn confirmed to TechCrunch that it is playing astir pinch a video feed, which was first spotted by strategy head Austin Null. In a station connected LinkedIn itself, Null showed a short demo of nan feed, which looks a batch for illustration that of TikTok aliases Instagram Reels. The vertical feed, presently successful beta, appears successful nan app nether a caller "Video" tab. The videos are for illustration different LinkedIn posts, which users tin like, remark under, aliases repost.

It is unclear erstwhile nan characteristic is rolling retired to nan wider LinkedIn community. Karina Hsu, a laminitis and startup builder, also shared nan demo connected X, writing, "[it] feels for illustration TikTok for activity - presently a operation of inspirational podcast clips + existent events."

LinkedIn has grown its ain influencer community successful caller years, pinch podcasters, profession coaches, and business-owners regularly posting a assortment of contented connected nan app and building monolithic followings. The institution told TechCrunch that users are chiefly seeking much videos for learning and improvement purposes. TikTok, a spot wherever more and much young group spell to learn, is besides location to plentifulness of career-related content. Now, LinkedIn is hoping to measurement successful by going down nan vertical-video path.

On nan different hand, nan level has unsuccessfully tried to imitate celebrated features successful nan past, for illustration LinkedIn stories — a Snapchat/Instagram facet which didn't overmuch make consciousness for a master network.

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Meera is simply a Culture Reporter astatine Mashable, joining nan UK squad successful 2021. She writes astir integer culture, intelligence health, large tech, entertainment, and more. Her activity has besides been published successful The New York Times, Vice, Vogue India, and others.

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