Hurdle hints and answers for September 20

Trending 5 months ago

If you for illustration playing regular connection games for illustration Wordle, past Hurdle is simply a awesome crippled to adhd to your routine.

There are 5 rounds to nan game. The first information sees you trying to conjecture nan word, pinch correct, misplaced, and incorrect letters shown successful each guess. If you conjecture nan correct answer, it'll return you to nan adjacent hurdle, providing nan reply to nan past hurdle arsenic your first guess. This tin springiness you respective clues aliases none, depending connected nan words. For nan last hurdle, each correct reply from erstwhile hurdles is shown, pinch correct and misplaced letters intelligibly shown.

An important statement is that nan number of times a missive is highlighted from erstwhile guesses does needfully bespeak nan number of times that missive appears successful nan last hurdle.

If you find yourself stuck astatine immoderate measurement of today's Hurdle, don't worry! We person you covered.

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Hurdle Word 1 hint

A spot aliases mark.

Hurdle Word 1 answer


Hurdle Word 2 hint

A illness that affects animals' coats.

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Hurdle Word 2 Answer


Hurdle Word 3 hint

Another connection for mayhem.

Hurdle Word 3 answer


Hurdle Word 4 hint

The cyber ones are expensive.

Hurdle Word 4 answer


Final Hurdle hint

You'll request to cleanable this up if you person one.

Hurdle Word 5 answer


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