How to download songs from Spotify

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Streaming connected Spotify is simply a seamless experience, astir of nan time. But erstwhile nan Wi-Fi aliases cellular awesome disappears, truthful does your music. To guarantee you'll ne'er beryllium caught music-less connected a plane, train, aliases anyplace other again, you tin download songs from Spotify to perceive to offline.

How do you cognize erstwhile a song, album, aliases playlist is disposable offline? Look for a small greenish circle pinch a achromatic arrow inside. If that icon is sitting adjacent to a song, album, aliases playlist, past that contented is disposable for offline listening.

Don't spot nan circles? We've put together a short how-to to thief you download to your heart's desire, but to usage it you must:

  • Be a Spotify Premium subscriber.

  • Plan ahead. You cannot download contented aft you've mislaid compartment service.

Now, let's get into nan bully stuff.

What You Need

  • The Spotify App (mobile aliases desktop)
  • An net connection

Step 1: Log successful to your Premium Spotify relationship and find an medium aliases opus you want to perceive to offline.

Downloading songs for offline usage is only disposable connected Premium Spotify accounts, truthful if you don't person 1 yet, you'll request to acquisition a subscription. Learn much astir Premium pricing right here.

Step 2: To download a afloat album, click connected it and pat nan icon that looks for illustration a grey circle pinch an arrow wrong it.

Once tapped, nan arrow wrong nan grey icon will alteration to a achromatic quadrate to bespeak that nan medium is being downloaded. Once nan download is complete, a greenish type of nan arrow icon will switch nan grey one.

Screenshot of an medium page connected Spotify pinch nan "download" fastener circled successful red.

Credit: Mashable composite / Spotify screenshot

Step 3: To download a song, click nan 3 dots adjacent to nan way and prime "Add to Playlist" from nan menu. Create a caller playlist and adhd nan opus to it.

Spotify does not yet let users to download an individual track. Instead, tracks must beryllium added to a playlist, which must past beryllium downloaded.

Screenshots of nan download process.

Credit: Mashable composite / Spotify screenshot

Step 4: Repeat Step 3, adding each nan songs you want to download to this caller playlist.

Step 5: Click nan "Library" tab successful nan little correct manus area of nan app. Navigate to your caller playlist. To download it, pat nan grey circle icon pinch an arrow successful it.

Once tapped, nan arrow wrong nan grey icon will alteration to a achromatic quadrate to bespeak that nan playlist is being downloaded. Once nan download is complete, a greenish type of nan arrow icon will switch nan grey one.

Screenshots of nan download process.

Credit: Mashable composite / Spotify screenshot

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