Here's how to get a 15.4-inch MacBook Pro for $374

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TL;DR: Save 15% connected this people “B” refurbished MacBook Pro 15.4-inch pinch an Intel Core i7, 16GB of RAM, and Monterey macOS.

When you’re browsing for laptop upgrades, you usually person 2 choices: One, splurge connected name-brand models or, two, drawback an affordable action that falls short of your capacity and artistic expectations. But, nan measurement we spot it, you tin really get some pinch refurbished models.

Take this MacBook Pro 15.4-inch arsenic an example. It has Apple’s signature look, powerful performance, and it’s only $373.99 (reg. $441) correct here. That’s little than Amazon’s existent price.

Save $1,000+ compared to shopping brand-new MacBook Pros

A people “B” refurbished standing makes this MacBook Pro truthful affordable. While you mightiness announcement deterioration for illustration ray scuffs, scratches, aliases dents connected nan body, typically, a hard-shell lawsuit would conceal them nicely while protecting your purchase. Minor cosmetic flaws besides don’t inhibit nan laptop’s soul performance.

This MacBook Pro has a powerful Intel Core i7 and 16GB of RAM, packing successful much powerfulness than astir different laptops sold astatine this value point. Pro models are besides known for beardown artillery life and, moreover aft considering diminished artillery wellness pinch a refurbished model, you tin still expect up to 9 hours of usage connected a afloat charge.

The laptop besides features Intel Iris Pro graphics for high-quality streaming and video editing, 256GB SSD retention for adding apps and storing files, and an HD FaceTime webcam for video chats and convention calls.

As acold arsenic macOS, this MacBook Pro tin upgrade up to Monterey. This type shares a akin look to nan latest successful Sonoma, and it conscionable received a security update from Apple successful early March of 2024.

Just for illustration each of nan refurbished deals we share, this 1 comes pinch a 30-day aftermarket parts and labour warranty. This gives you added bid of mind arsenic you person and commencement testing retired your new-to-you MacBook Pro.

Mashable Deals

An eco-friendly and wallet-friendly deal

Grab a 15.4-inch MacBook Pro that’s still sewage it for $373.99 (reg. $441) pinch this refurbished model.

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