Google Bard now has an AI image generator — how it plans to avoid another Taylor Swift deepfake fiasco

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It's powered by Google's latest diffusion model, Imagen 2

an alchemists laboratory pinch trial tubes filled pinch colorful liquid

AI creations travel to life pinch Bard. Credit: Google

You tin now make images pinch Bard, Google's AI chatbot.

Today, nan institution announced Bard's caller text-to-image capacity that's powered by Imagen 2, Google's latest diffusion model. With this release, Google besides shared that immoderate image created pinch Imagen 2 — connected Bard aliases Google's different generative AI devices — will person integer watermark called SynthID.

Previously, you could upload images to Bard and inquire it to admit aliases thief you pinch thing related to that image. But asking Bard to make an AI image for you is new.

Google has already launched AI image procreation successful different products for illustration SGE (Search Generative Experience), which is still successful Labs (its testing ground), and Duet AI. Imagen 2 successful Bard joins nan likes of different image-generating features successful chatbots for illustration ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot.

To guarantee safe and responsible creations of AI images, "there's a clear favoritism betwixt visuals created pinch Bard and original quality artwork," nan Google announcement said. It besides bans nan procreation of "named people" successful an effort to debar nan creation of deepfakes for illustration nan caller illustration of Taylor Swift.

Bard's text-to-image generator is presently disposable successful English. Other releases coming to Bard coming is nan readiness of Gemini Pro successful each supported languages and countries.

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Cecily is simply a tech newsman astatine Mashable who covers AI, Apple, and emerging tech trends. Before getting her master's grade astatine Columbia Journalism School, she spent respective years moving pinch startups and societal effect businesses for Unreasonable Group and B Lab. Before that, she co-founded a startup consulting business for emerging entrepreneurial hubs successful South America, Europe, and Asia. You tin find her connected Twitter astatine @cecily_mauran.

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