Don’t do this on iOS 18 — or you may lose your texts

Trending 4 months ago

A peculiar bug has appeared successful iOS 18.

The caller Apple package update, which goes unrecorded for everyone connected Friday, has already go location to a weird small glitch that has perchance catastrophic consequences. According to 9to5Mac, if you reply pinch a threaded connection erstwhile personification shares an Apple Watch look pinch you complete Messages, you tally nan consequence of losing your full matter history pinch that person.

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9to5Mac went a small deeper into what precisely happens erstwhile you reply to an Apple Watch face. Apparently, erstwhile it happens, nan Messages app will many times clang if you effort to unfastened nan conversation. Harrowingly, this affects both users successful nan conversation, not conscionable nan personification who replied successful nan first place. As acold arsenic anyone tin tell, nan quickest solution is to delete nan chat history betwixt you and nan different person.

Obviously, that's not great. The elemental enactment of replying to a watch look shouldn't tally nan consequence of losing years of chats pinch a loved one. Do not beryllium amazed if Apple fixes this pinch haste.

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