Calling all Android fans: Scoop up the Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra for $50 off

Trending 4 months ago

Apple isn't nan only Ultra crippled successful town.

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Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra connected bluish and teal absurd background

Pick up nan discounted Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra for a robust smartwatch. Credit: Mashable Photo Composite

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SAVE $50.01: As of Sept. 19, get nan Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra astatine Amazon connected waste for $599.98. That's 8% disconnected its normal value of $649.99.

Though Apple conscionable debuted nan caller Apple Watch Series 10, not everyone is going to beryllium connected committee pinch it arsenic their regular driver smartwatch. It whitethorn consciousness for illustration Apple has a clasp connected conscionable astir everyone erstwhile it comes to wearables, but nan Android crowd flocks to Samsung for their favourite smartwatches. And Samsung has devotees covered pinch its ain premium Galaxy watch that's meant arsenic a nonstop competitor to nan Apple Watch Ultra — and some are on sale today.

As of Sept. 19, you tin get nan Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra for $599.98. That's $50.01 disconnected its regular value of $649.99 and a discount of 8%. This value applies to nan Silver, Titanium Grey, and Titanium Silver colorways, but nan different options are presently sold out.

This rugged watch looks a batch for illustration Apple's Ultra device, and it besides shares galore of nan aforesaid features. It tin way a wide assortment of workouts, from runs to swimming and everything successful between. Using Galaxy AI, it tin thief you comparison performances and offers personalized insights arsenic good arsenic an Energy Score, which uses your sleep, bosom rate, and day's steps to cipher your readiness for nan day. It besides offers precision bosom complaint tracking, offers wellness tips based connected your regular performance, and overmuch more.

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With up to 100 hours of artillery life arsenic good arsenic a customizable Quick Button to thief you commencement and extremity workout search to your liking, nan Galaxy Watch Ultra is simply a awesome bargain for Android instrumentality owners — aliases if you conscionable want a awesome smartwatch.

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