'Argylle' cast on spy tropes, dancing, and embracing your inner villain

Sedang Trending 5 bulan yang lalu

"The villainous part, it's my comfortableness zone."

Mashable UK editor Shannon Connellan speaks to Argylle actors Bryan Cranston, Henry Cavill, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Sam Rockwell connected subverting spy tropes, going successful and retired of your comfortableness zone, and creation scenes.

Argylle is retired successful cinemas.

A achromatic and achromatic image of a personification pinch a agelong braid and heavy framed glasses.

Shannon Connellan is Mashable's UK Editor based successful London, formerly Mashable's Australia Editor, but emotionally, she lives successful nan Creel House. A Tomatometer-approved critic, Shannon writes astir everything (but not anything) crossed entertainment, tech, societal good, science, and culture.

Picture of Teodosia

Teodosia Dobriyanova

Video Producer

Teodosia is simply a video shaper astatine Mashable UK, focussing connected stories astir ambiance resilience, municipality development, and societal good.

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