Apple's Vision Pro will launch with 600 new apps

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Apple's Vision Pro will motorboat pinch 600 caller apps and games, designed specifically for nan caller headset.

Apple Vision Pro apps

600 apps designed for nan Vision Pro, positive galore compatible apps from iOS and iPadOS. Credit: Apple

Apple Vision Pro will motorboat pinch much than 600 apps and games, designed exclusively for nan caller headset, Apple has announced.

The Vision Pro, which launches connected Friday, Feb. 2, will commencement pinch intermezo apps specified arsenic Disney+, Max, PGA Tour Vision, NBA, and Red Bull TV. Users will besides person entree to productivity devices including Box, which allows them to collaborate and securely negociate files and content, nan brainstorming app MindNode, Microsoft 365 productivity apps, information visualization and task guidance apps OmniFocus and OmniPlan, arsenic good arsenic apps specified arsenic Fantastical and Numerics.

As acold arsenic games go, a subscription to Apple Arcade will springiness users entree to 250 games connected nan Vision Pro, including NBA 2K24 Arcade Edition, Sonic Dream Team, and TMNT Splintered Fate. Titles created specifically for nan Vision Pro see Synth Riders, LEGO Builder's Journey, Super Fruit Ninja, and more.

Apple Vision Pro Fruit Ninja

Time to portion that consequence successful 3D. Credit: Apple

Finally, users will besides get entree to apps specified arsenic Carrot Weather, a spatial type of nan snarky upwind app, and The Archive, which will let them to research locations and artifacts from nan Stark Trek universe, among others.

Of course, it won't beryllium conscionable 600 apps astatine launch; Vision Pro users will besides person entree to much than 1 cardinal iOS and iPadOS apps which are compatible pinch Vision Pro.

“Apple Vision Pro is unlocking nan imaginations of our worldwide developer community, and we’re inspired by nan scope of spatial experiences they’ve created for this breathtaking caller platform,” Susan Prescott, Apple’s vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations, said successful a statement.

The Vision Pro becomes disposable successful a small nether 24 hours, arsenic visualized connected Apple's website pinch a useful timer. It will beryllium reliable to get nan $3,499 headset astatine launch, arsenic it was efficaciously sold retired soon aft pre-orders became disposable successful January.

Stan Schroeder

Stan is simply a Senior Editor astatine Mashable, wherever he has worked since 2007. He's sewage much battery-powered gadgets and set t-shirts than you. He writes astir nan adjacent groundbreaking thing. Typically, this is simply a phone, a coin, aliases a car. His eventual extremity is to cognize thing astir everything.

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