5 Reasons Why Your First Car Should Be a Van

Trending 11 months ago

Update: It’s been 5 years since I wrote this article, but aft revisiting it successful 2023, each nan accusation still stands! Now much than ever, I’m convinced your first car should beryllium a van!

If you are thing for illustration I was 10 years ago, a young car enthusiast that would not judge his mom’s Toyota arsenic my first car, past you astir apt want thing a spot much powerful aliases thing that would guidelines retired for illustration a BMW aliases thing large aliases “exotic”.

My first car was a debased mileage 1999 230 Kompressor Mercedes C-Class sedan pinch nary aerial conditioning. It was great, reliable, inexpensive to fix, had airbags truthful it was somewhat safe for a novice driver, and it was a Merc’, an aged 1 but still.

w202 mercedes, first car, mercedes c classMy first car. I still wish it was a van instead!

I don’t regret my determination and I still person awesome memories of that car. What I do regret nevertheless is nan truth that spending a batch of money connected a luxury marque aliases a powerful car is not nan wisest determination a young man tin do.

Thinking backmost I wish I would person explored and traveled much astatine that carefree property alternatively of redeeming money for caller 18″ rims for an aged Mercedes while sitting astatine location aliases moving a temp job.

Is a Van a Good First Car?

This sewage maine thinking, a cleanable car for a young feline is really a van. Here are a fewer examples of why:

  • Going to a statement and getting drunk? No problem, slumber comfortably successful your van.
  • You astir apt can’t spend hotels and continental breakfasts. No problem, spell retired location and slumber successful your van.
  • If you are young, you astir apt unrecorded astatine location truthful getting immoderate privateness pinch your girl/man tin beryllium an issue. No problem, slumber successful your van.
  • You astir apt usage Instagram, #vanlife is trending. No problem, you sewage a van.
  • L1H1 sized vans aliases minivans are still small capable to usage comfortably arsenic regular drivers while being overmuch much useful than a wagon. You tin moreover person it into a full-blown camper van.

The database goes on, but nan main point to return from this is that vans connection truthful overmuch much than conscionable driving from constituent A to constituent B aliases resistance racing your section car segment guys astatine nan stoplight. They unfastened up truthful galore possibilities while still being useful arsenic a regular driver.

What Van to Buy arsenic a First Car?

If you don’t want to spell full-sized cargo van which is little practical, moreover minivans tin do nan job, moreover though for longer trips a bigger van will make it easier to unrecorded in.

Any aged Volkswagen van

Volkswagen has been making vans for decades, we each cognize nan aged T1 autobus that’s usually called nan hippie van. The astir sought-after these days are nan T3 vans which you tin already find converted and equipped pinch a kitchen, bed, etc.

You besides person nan ones pinch nan pop-up tile which was either homemade aliases done by Westfalia, hence nan sanction Westy’s.

They look cool and location is simply a immense organization of owners some online and offline, which makes it easier to lick definite issues aliases conscionable bent retired pinch group who stock your passion.

One point to mention is that these vans are aged and fickle. So don’t expect soft sailing. I would urge this action to group who person immoderate knowledge erstwhile it comes to fixing and diagnosing your car’s issues. Some parts tin besides beryllium costly and difficult to travel by.

Low Mileage Older Cargo Vans

This is my recommended option. Set your fund and scan online van listings until nan correct 1 comes along, this mightiness return a while.

With cargo vans, you don’t want 1 which was driven adjacent successful places pinch dense winters and brackish connected nan roads. This takes a toll connected nan van’s assemblage and chassis. Believe me, a conflict pinch rust is 1 you do not want to beryllium a portion of.

I would besides look for debased mileage vans that person not been beaten and abused by immoderate corp workers. Low mileage will springiness you galore stress-free miles successful nan future.

Cargo vans are often seen arsenic overmuch much stealthy than a regular evident camper vans, which makes them cleanable for sleeping successful parking tons without being a target of criminals aliases police. It is simply a awesome facet if you scheme to sojourn municipality destinations.

Decide what style you want. You tin spell pinch nan much usable Euro-style vans pinch precocious cargo spaces for illustration nan Ford Transit aliases a Nissan NV, nan different action is nan little van style for illustration nan Chevy Express.

It each comes down to penchant and price. Bigger vans for illustration nan Transit aliases a Sprinter are acold much costly and unpractical for regular driving. A van for illustration nan Chevy Express, however, does not person standing-height cargo space. That mightiness beryllium annoying if you scheme to walk a batch of clip successful nan van.

Frequently asked questions

creepy vanYou are going to beryllium made nosy of astatine immoderate point, expect that.

Can you person a van arsenic a first car?

Yes, you surely can. Nothing is stopping you erstwhile it comes to rule aliases thing else. Used vans are besides likewise priced to regular cars and tin beryllium conscionable arsenic safe.

How to spend your first car?

There is nary easy answer. If you cannot count connected your parents help, you are going to person to work, prevention up and make it your privilege to bargain a car. Keep successful mind that you besides request immoderate other money for attraction and fuel.

Is a minivan a bully first car?

Yes, not only bully but an fantabulous choice. Due to their size, minivans are really safer and easier to thrust owed to bully visibility. They are besides a awesome prime for roadworthy trips and driving your friends around.


Let’s talk astir it, nan societal stigma. Who successful their correct mind wants to thrust a plain achromatic cargo van astatine a young age. But you are not nan only one, arsenic you tin spot successful this Reddit thread.

But it conscionable mightiness beryllium nan champion determination you tin make. It enables you to research your surroundings and recreation aliases return trips connected a mini budget. It’s smarter to prevention up for a stronger car which you wish for later erstwhile you person a higher income.

You will besides beryllium much knowledgeable by then. This will make it little apt to clang nan point trying to drift nan thoroughfare corner.

About The Author

Jure Hodnik

Hey, I’m Jure Hodnik, an automotive researcher
and writer. I person influenced 20+ automotive companies pinch my master contented successful nan past, but my passion lies successful nan captivating narration betwixt cars and people, a taxable I explored successful his automotive-focused master’s investigation paper. Today, I transmission and stock my automotive expertise done Lifeonfour, a level I founded backmost successful 2019.

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